“If you think training is expensive, try ignorance."
-Peter Drucker
Operational risk management requires that the multitude of disciplines, decisions, and decision makers work in harmony in order to be effective.
Online Certification Sample
PHA Starting Point
Risk-based Decisions
Probability Assessment
PHA Crash Courses
How can Icarus-ORM training help your performance?
Risk management training typically fails to produce results because there can be a lack of relevance. This isn’t because your employees lack the knowledge or skills but because many course providers do not understand how adults learn.
At Icarus-ORM we understand adults learn best when:
they understand why something is important to know or do
they have different learning styles – Visual (by seeing), Auditory (by listening) or Kinesthetic (by doing)
they are engaged in the learning experience
they are ready and willing to learn
they are in a positive and encouraging environment
Our training aims to enhance better decision making.
At times where the industry is looking to reduce the length of the “on-the-job” training period, effective learning is critical to effective operational risk management.
Help us help you
Sit down and think about the risk management maturity of your team. Then send Icarus-ORM an email in confidence and we will walk you through the training process.
Course Description
Acquire an overview of the best practices for making smarter, better, and more insightful decisions including these methods used in the oil and gas industry:
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) - a collaborative approach that effectively identifies and evaluates risk in a process
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) – a collaborative approach to address risk acceptance with explicit enterprise risk tolerance
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Study - a design approach to reduce risks with automation
Learn how to:
Frame a risk-based decision appropriately
Exhaustively identify risks
Generate operationally sustainable design changes
Quantify uncertainty using probability
Structure and evaluate decisions using HAZOP and LOPA to determine the best alternative and communicate evaluation results
Use the basics of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Study
Build decision competency into an organization
The certificate in Process Hazard Analysis that demonstrates an ability to make effective critical decisions — a skill that helps make project managers, engineers, and operators indispensable.
Ability to read piping and instrumentation diagrams